A new app for EasyVEE®


Important news for EasyVEE®, the new jet (Venturi) device produced by flow-meter™. It works like a high flow generator for CPAP and requires only feeding from a source of oxygen.
There is now an app that can be easily downloaded from Apple or Google Play that  provides the healthcare professional with all guidelines to set the required flows for the ongoing respiratory therapy. 
This can be used as further support to the “Tables of mixtures – FiO2” referred to the specific PEEP pressures and provided with the Operating Manual of  EasyVEE® “JET” flow driver.
It is possible to choose between the two possible applications foreseen for the flow driver:

  • Alternative 1: application for twin high flow flowmeter
  • Alternative 2: application for single high flow flowmeter
    This alternative allows to supply oxygen to the flow driver EasyVEE® through a twin group high flow Oxygen flowmeter (Flowmeter [1a] with end of scale 30 L/min + Flowmeter [1b] with end of scale 15 L/min or 30 L/min), which is connected to the hospital centralized gas distribution plant.
    You can select the following parameters:
    • PEEP set value
    • Total flow of the mixture to be supplied to the patient
    • FIO2 value necessary for the ongoing therapy

    The calculator will show the flow values to be set on the two flowmeters in order to obtain the above parameters.
    Once the value of PEEP is selected, it is possible to identify the resulting values of the mixture total flow supplied to the patient, with the related FIO2, simply by inserting the two Oxygen flow values set for the flowmeters.

    This alternative allows to supply oxygen to the flow driver EasyVEE® through a single high flow Oxygen flowmeter (flow range 50 L/min with double scale:  2÷10 L/min e 10÷50 L/min), which is connected to the hospital centralized gas distribution plant.
    You can select the following parameters:
    • PEEP set value
    • Total flow of the mixture to be supplied to the patient
    • FiO2 value necessary for the ongoing therapy

    The calculator will show the flow values, to be set on the flowmeter and on the vernier of the adjustable knob for the ambient air intake, in order to obtain the above parameters. 
    Once the value of PEEP is selected, it is possible to identify the resulting values of the mixture total flow supplied to the patient, with the related FiO2, simply by inserting the Oxygen flow value set for the flowmeter and the indication on the vernier of the adjustable knob for the ambient air intake.
    Given two of the below values, the App also provides an easy calculator of the O2-Air mixture, allowing the user to obtain the remaining two values:

    • Flow Mixture O2 + Aria (L/min)
    • FiO2 (%)
    • O2 Flow (L/min) 
    • Air Flow (L/min)

In compliance with the New Guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Health of 28/03/2013 regarding health advertising concerning medical devices, in vitro medical diagnostic devices and medical surgical facilities, we caution that the information contained in this website is exclusively directed at professional practitioners. All contents are of an informational nature and do not have advertising purposes.